Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Marsh Madness

May is my busy season-prime time in Vermont for birds and birding. Hence, my blog has been gathering dust recently while I canvas my favorite birding spots. And highest on my list of favorite spots is the South Hero marsh. The marsh is so good that I have tried to keep it secret with some success. Although I occasionally run into bikers, joggers, and wayward dogs on the trail, I seldom see birders there. Big mistake. From March through September the South Hero marsh is a superb site for finding birds.

Shirley Johnson and Chip Wright introduced me to the marsh a few years ago, though at the time neither of them had explored its full potential. I liked its accessibility and the variety of habitats it offered. Since then, I have visited the marsh dozens of times recording over 100 bird species on my eBird list. Mallards, Wood Ducks, and Canada Geese nest there regularly. Last year I spotted a pair of Northern Shovelers that visited the marsh throughout the breeding season. And this year I practically tripped over a female Hooded Merganser leading her newly-hatched brood of four out of harm's way. This year,too, a pair of Blue-winged Teal that has turned up regularly on my visits to the marsh. I am looking forward to meeting their offspring. Likewise, a pair of Gadwall has been acting suspiciously of late. Stay tuned for future birth announcements.

With all this waterfowl activity it would be easy to overlook the other birds that turn up regularly in the marsh. But no-Great Blue Herons, Black-crowned Night Herons, Green Herons, and American bitterns will not be ignored. Likewise, nesting Osprey, hunting Harriers, and soaring Red-tails will make their presence known. Topping off the menu is a nice selection of warblers enhanced by the occasional Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark. There's more, but you will have to make the discoveries yourself. Last week Shirley Johnson and I birded the marsh together and she discovered a bird that I had not seen there before-a handsome male Scarlet Tanager.Wow!

The birding at the South Hero marsh is tremendous until it ends abruptly during the first week of October. Bang! Duck season. End of casual birding for the year. Baseball fans know the feeling. In October the season is over. Wait until next year.