But the highlight of this escapade was a visit to Chickahominy Lake, 30 miles southeast of Richmond. Andrew and I rented a jon boat for the evening and ventured forth in search of bass, bream ("brim" in Virginian), and whatever. The sun was blazing at the outset of our voyage and the temperature was in the mid-to-upper 80's. But the setting was idyllic and a liberal application of sunscreen and Bud Lite dulled the effects of the sun. The bird life on the lake was distracting to me. Osprey, cardinals, and assorted woodpeckers flitted about in the cypress trees and the marsh at the water's edge. I had left my binoculars behind and I was kicking myself for doing so. But this was supposed to be a fishing trip. And indeed, with effort we caught a few-punkin'seeds, brim, and bluegills-but no bass, a mild disappointment. No matter. Fishing (and birding) is all about the experience-the setting, the companionship, and the wildlife. It's also about the excitement of exploration and discovery. If you have fantastic success without much effort, why go back? With our success, or lack thereof, you can carry me back to old Virginia anytime. I am packed and ready to go.
Photo by Andrew MacPherson